I'm Ezequiel Corbalan.-image

I'm Ezequiel Corbalan.

I'm a Tech LEAD / Full Stack Software Engineer, currently working at Woowup Inc. helping design/build features for CRM Retail.

I love teaching. Nowadays, I work as a technical high school professor in Buenos Aires. I strongly believe the next generation has the power to increase the quality of software.


About me

I love to resolve problems, any kind of it, but mostly when I have something to learn. Food/beer lover and good travel companion.

  • Location:Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Age:28
  • Nationality:Argentinian
  • Interests:Motorcycles, Sports, Video Games
  • Study:Technical National University (UTN)
  • Employment:Woowup inc.


AWS Well-Architected

InternetIn progress

Well-Architected course for cloud architected

Systems engineering

Tecnical Nacional University, UTNIn progress

Its the perfect combination to learn software and management. Has soft and hard skills to manage entire software lifetime.


Tech Lead / Sr Full stack Software Engineer

Woowup inc.Sept. 2021 - Present

Design architecture / develop Realtime / High-traffic Retail CRM Marketing application.

Network programming Teacher

Technical School N° 21.Mar. 2019 - Present

Teach networking programing and concepts of OS.

Sr Full stack Software Engineer

ICOMMJun. 2020 - Sept. 2021

Develop Realtime application for email/sms sending.

Tech Lead / Sr Full stack Software Engineer

SportClubJun. 2017 - jun. 2020

Biometric access control / payment processing services.

FrontEnd Developer

Teracode (GCBA)Dic. 2016 - jun. 2017

Develop Angular2 application for Buenos Aires government

Sr Full stack developer

ApernetNov. 2015 - Nov. 2016

Develop application for marketing clients

Analist / Developer

30Fjun. 2011 - 2015

Develop end to end proyects for clients. Owner of the company


Here you can show a snapshot of your skills to show off to employers

Spoken languages
Backend development
Frontend development

Ezequiel is an accomplished IT Leader with whom I had the opportunity to work with for more than 3 years. We faced together the digital transformation of the business and the creation of the Develop Team that made it possible. He has the ability to quickly translate complex business issues into implementable technology solutions. His background as school teacher allows him to excel partnership and professional growth to all members of the Team he leads. Working with Ezequiel was a real pleasure and I look forward to working with him on future projects.

-- Ariel Pigni

Ezequiel tiene un perfil muy técnico, con muchísimo conocimiento en la materia, pero supero pragmático proactivo y comercial, lo que lo hace aún más interesante. Desde el lado humano súper cordial y a disposición. Lo elijo para mi equipo.

-- Gaston Parez Brea

Una de las personas más importantes que estuvo en Experiencia Futbol en el área de desarrollo. Excelentisimo profesional y lider para llevar a cabo todos los proyectos que se plantean, siempre con mirada a futuro.Aunque se planteen desafios difíciles y complejos, siempre le encuentra la forma de resolverlo. Lo super recomiendo para cualquier empresa de desarrollo. 100% comprometido y responsable.

-- Sebastian Seminara

Get in touch.

send me email when ever need it.